Concerned about nuclear radiation levels, due to fallout from damaged nuclear reactors, nuclear tests, or other events?
Radiation Map Tracker connects to our extensive network of constantly updating, real time, nuclear radiation detectors, all run by volunteers, not government agencies. This app lets you determine what levels of radiation are being reported at various locations around the world. You can scroll around the map and zoom in on readings. Readings are continuously updated every few minutes.
It displays the current ionizing radiation reading from these detectors on an easy to use world map, in uR/hr, one of the standard units of measurement for radiation. You can scroll around and zoom in to your area. Typical background (naturally occurring) radiation values near sea level are in the 10 to 20 uR/hr range. Higher readings naturally occur at higher elevations due to cosmic rays from outer space.
Tapping on one of the readings will bring up a chart of the last few days worth of readings. You can even smooth out the variations by adjusting the number of samples averaged per plotted point, to bring out subtle variations.
Buy a copy of Radiation Map Tracker, and youll never be in the dark about nuclear radiation levels again.